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Reflexões sobre Linguística e cognição musical
Marcelo Mello

ABAURRE M.B.M. (1996). “O estruturalista Jakobson: fonólogo e humanista”. Texto apresentado em mesa redonda em homenagem ao centenário de nascimento de Jakobson; documento para publicação.

AGAWU K. (1991). Playing with signs: a semiotic interpretation of classic music. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Apud Hatten (1992).

AGAWU K. (1995a). “The Invention of 'African Rhythm'”. Journal of the American Musicological Society 48(3):380-395. Apud DeWitts (s.d.a).

AGAWU K. (1995b). African Rhythm: A Northern Ewe Perspective. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press. Apud DeWitts (s.d.a).

AKSNES H. (s.d.). “Meaning generation in Music listening”. Online Metaphor Center; online http://www.uoregon.edu/~uophil/metaphor/aksnes.htm (citado em 09/12/2002).

ALBANO E. (1986). “Modulado contra modular: contribuição ao debate do inatismo”. ABRALIN - Boletim da Associação Brasileira de Lingüística (Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras - USP) 08:36-62.

ALBANO E.C. (1990). Da fala à linguagem tocando de ouvido. São Paulo: Martins Fontes. Apud Morato (1996).

ALLEN J., SEIDENBERG M. (1999). “The emergence of grammaticality in connectionist networks”. IN MacWhinney B.(org.); Emergentist Approaches to Language: proceedings of the 28th Carnegie symposium on cognition; Erlbaum.

ALTHUSSER L. (1970). Ideologia e aparelhos ideológicos do Estado. Lisboa: Presença Martins Fontes; (1974).

ANDERSON J. (1980). Cognitive psychology and its implications. São Francisco: W.H Freeman. Apud Raffman (1993).

ARCANJO S. (1917). Lições elementares de teoria musical. São Paulo: Ricordi.

ARENDT R.J.J. (2000). “O desenvolvimento cognitivo do ponto de vista da enação”. Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica 13(2): 223-231; online http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0102-79722000000200003&lng=en&nrm=iso (citado em 24/01/2003).

ARROYO M. (2001). “Música popular em um Conservatório de Música”. Revista da ABEM - Associação Brasileira de Educação Musical 6: pp 59-67.

ASHBY R.W. (1962). Principles of the Self-Organizing System. IN von Foester, Zopf (orgs.); Principles of Self-Organising systems; Pergamon; pp 255-78, 1962). Apud Ribeiro (s.d.).

ASHIDA S. (2001). “Three Studies of Culture and Emotion”. Music Cognition at the Ohio State University; online http://dactyl.som.ohio-state.edu/Music829D/Notes/Culture.html tate.edu/Music829D/Notes/Culture.html (citado em 24/01/2003).

ASSAYAG G. (2001). “Computability: From Logical Structures to Musical Implementation”. 12th Meeting of the FWO Research Society “Foundations of Music Research”; Internet (abstract) http://www.ipem.rug.ac.be/nfwo/nfwo.html .

AUROUX S. (1994). Filosofia da linguagem. Campinas: Editora da Unicamp.

AUSTIN J.L. (1962). How to do things with words. Oxford: Oxford University Press; (1986) . Apud Gabbi Jr (1994); Rajagopalan (1996).

AUSTIN J.L. (1983). Sentido e percepção. São Paulo: Martins Fontes.

AUTHIER-REVUZ. (1984). “Heterogeneidade(s) enunciativa(s)”. Cadernos de Estudos Lingüísticos (IEL - UNICAMP) 19:025-042; (1990) . Apud Possenti (1996); Mussalim (2000); Morato (1999); Brandão (1996).

AYERZA J. (1999). “Lacan - to resume again”. Lacanian Ink 2; online http://www.lacan.com/lacinkII0.htm (citado em 24/01/2003).

BABBITT M. (1972). “Past and present concepts of the nature and limits of music”. IN Boretz B., Cone E.(orgs.); Perspectives on contemporary music theory; New York: Norton. Apud Lerdahl, Jackendoff (1983b); Brown, Dempster (1989).

BAGHEMIL B. (1988). “The Morphology and Phonology of Katajjait (Inuit Throat Games)”. Canadian Journal of Linguistics / Revue Canadienne de Linguistique 33(1):01-58. Apud DeWitts (s.d.a).

BAILY J. (1985). “Music Structure and Human Movement”. IN Howell P., Cross I., West R.(orgs.); Musical Structure and Cognition; Londres: Academic Press. Apud Baily (1995); Baily, Driver (1992); DeWitts (s.d.a); Moisala (1995).

BAILY J. (1995). “Music and the Body”. World of Music 37(2):11-30.

BAILY J., DRIVER P. (1992). “Spatio-motor thinking in Playing Folk Blues Guitar”. World of Music 34(3):057-071.

BAIRD B. (1997). “A Cortical Model of Cognitive 40 hz Attentional Streams, Rhythmic Expectation, and Auditory Stream Segregation”. IN Shafto M.(org.); Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society; Mahwah NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; pp 365-371; online http://www2.psy.uq.edu.au/~devin/cogsci96/baird.html (citado em 15/01/2003).

BAIRD B. (2000). “Research overview”. Documento online http://math.berkeley.edu/~baird/ (citado em 24/01/2003).

BAKHTIN M. (1984). Esthétique de la creation verbale. Paris: Gallimard. Apud Dalhe (1997).

BAKHTIN M. (1997). Problemas da poética de Dostoievsky. Rio de Janeiro: Forense Universitária.

BAKHTIN M., VOLOSHINOV V.N. (1930). Marxismo e Filosofia da Linguagem: problemas fundamentais do método sociológico na ciência da linguagem. São Paulo: Hucitec; (1986) .

BALZANO G. (1980). “The group-theoretic representation of 12-fold and microtonal pitch systems”. Computer Music Journal 4:66-84. Apud Cross (1999a).

BAMBERG M. (s.d.b). “Language, concepts and emotions`- the role of language in the construction of emotions”. documento online http://www.massey.ac.nz/~alock/virtual/welcome.htm (citado em 05/01/2003).

BAMBERGER J. (1990). “As estruturações cognitivas da apreensão e notação de ritmos simples”. IN Hermine S.(Org); A produção de notações na criança - Linguagem, número, ritmos e melodias; São Paulo: Cortez. Apud Fernandes (1998).

BARA B.G., TISSARA M., ZETTIN M. (1997). “Neuropragmatics: neuropsychological constraints on formal theories of dialogue”. Brain and Language 59:07-49.

BARBOSA P.A. (2001). “Generating Duration from a Cognitively Plausible Model of Rhythm Production”. Proceedings of the Seventh European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech 2001), Aalborg, Danemark, September 3-7, vol 2; pp 967-970; online http://www.lafape.iel.unicamp.br/ (citado em 15/01/2003).

BARROS D.L.P. (1997). “Bakhtin e as contribuições para a teoria da linguagem”. IN Brait B.(org.); Bakhtin, dialogismo e construção de sentido; Campinas: Editorea da Unicamp.

BARTHES R. (1990). O óbvio e o obtuso - ensaios críticos III. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira.

BATES E. (1994). “Modularity, Domain Specificity And The Development Of Language”. IN Harnad S.; Course program: Explaining The Mind (Py104); (1996) ; online http://cogsci.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/Papers/Py104/bates-1994.html (citado em 09/12/2002).

BECKER H.S. (1989). “Ethnomusicology and Sociology: A Letter to Charles Seeger”. Ethnomusicology 33:275-285; (online http://www.soc.ucsb.edu/faculty/hbecker/seeger.html ; citado em 24/01/2003).

BECKER J. (1994). “Music and Trance”. Leonardo Music Journal 04:41-52.

BECKER J., BECKER A. (1979). “A Grammar of the Musical Genre srepegan”. Journal of Music Theory 23(1):01-44. Apud DeWitts (s.d.a).

BÉHAGUE G. (1995). “Conferência: Discurso Musical e Discurso sobre Música: Sistemas de Comunicação Incompatíveis?”. VIII Encontro Anual da Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós Graduação em Música (ANPPOM), João Pessoa; online http://www.musica.ufmg.br/anppom/anais/anais8/muscofnmesa3.htm (citado em 09/12/2002).

BEHRENS R.R. (1998). Art, Design and Gestalt Theory. Documento online http://mitpress2.mit.edu/e-journals/Leonardo/isast/articles/behrens.html ournals/Leonardo/isast/articles/behrens.html (citado em 09/12/2002).

BELIN P., VAN EECKHOUT P.H., ZILBOVICIUS M., ET AL. (1996). “Recovery from nonfluent aphasia after melodic intonation therapy”. Neurology 47:1504-1511.

BELIN P., ZATORRE R.J., LAFAILLE P., AHAD P., PIKE B. (2000). “Voice-selective areas in human auditory cortex”. Nature 403:309-312 (online http://www.zlab.mcgill.ca/docs/Belin_et_al_2000.pdf ; citado em 24/01/2003).

BENGTSSON I. (1973). “Verstehen - Prolegomena zu einem semiotisch-hermeneutischen Ansatz”. IN Faltin P., Reinecke H-P.(orgs.); Musik und Verstehen: Aufsätze zur semiotischenTheorie, Ästhetik und Soziologie der musikalischen Rezeption; Köln: Arno Volk-Verlag, Hans Gerig KG. Apud Leman (1999b).

BENVENISTE E. (1966a). “A semiologia da língua”. IN Problemas de Lingüística Geral II; Campinas: Pontes; pp 43-67; (1974) .

BENVENISTE E. (1966b). “O aparelho formal da enunciação”. IN Problemas de Lingüística Geral II; Campinas: Pontes; pp 081-090; (1974) .

BERGSON. (1912). Introduction to metaphysics. New York: GP Putan’s Sons. Apud Langer (1953).

BERNARDELLI U. (1999). “Roboser: intro”. Ciborg Frictions; online http://zig.ini.unizh.ch/~ulysses/CF_Site/ (citado em 13/01/2003).

BERNSTEIN L. (1976). The unanswered question: six talks at Harvard. Cambridge MASS: Harvard University Press. Apud Lerdahl, Jackendoff (1981); Lerdahl, Jackendoff (1983b) ; Leman (1999b); Leman (1985); Pribam (1983); Raffman (1993); reviewed IN Jackendoff (1977).

BERRENDONER A. (1981). Eléments de linguistique pragmantique. Minuit, Paris; also IN Buenos Aires: Gedisa; (1987).

BESSON M. (1999). “The Musical Brain: Neural Substrates of Music Perception”. Journal of New Music Research 28(3):246-256.

BESSON M., KUTAS M. (1997). ”Manifestations életriques de l´activité de langage dans le cerveau”. IN Fuchs C., Robert S.(orgs.); Diversité des langues et représentations cognitives; Paris: Ophyrs; pp 251-271.

BEUTKE A.A. (2001). “CLAS Term Lecturer: interview with Philosopher Jerry Fodor”. The University of Florida College of Liberal Arts; Sciences Notes 15(10) (outubro); online http://clasnews.clas.ufl.edu/news/clasnotes/0110/ (citado em 13/01/2003).

BEVER T.G., CHIARELLO R.J. (1974). “Cerebral dominance in musicians and non-musicians”. Science 185:537-539. Apud Gil (1993); Henson (1985); Nepomuceno (1983); Peretz, Moraes (1980); Reybrouck (1989); Weinberger (1995); Weinberger (1997).

BEVER T.G., FODOR J.A, WEKSEL W. (1965). “On the acqusition of syntax”. Psychological Review 072. Apud Scarpa (1999).

BHARUCHA J.J. (1984). “Event hierarchies, tonal hierarchies and assimilation: a reply to Deutsh and Dowling”. Journal of Experimental Psychology 113:421-425. Apud Raffman (1993).

BHARUCHA J.J., KRUMHANSL C.L. (1983). “The representation of harmonic structure in music: hierarchies of stability as a function of context”. Cognition 13:63-102. Apud Bharucha, Todd (1989); Raffman (1993).

BHARUCHA J.J., TODD P.M. (1989). “Modeling the perception of tonal structure with neural nets”. Computer Music Journal 13(4):44-53; also IN Todd P.M., Loy G.; (1990); Music and Connectionism; Cambridge MASS: MIT Press; pp 128-137.

BHATTACHARYA J., PETSCHE H., PEREDA E. (2001). “Long-range synchrony in the gamma band: role in music perception”. The Journal of Neuroscience 21(16):6329-6337; online (abstract) http://www.jneurosci.org/cgi/content/abstract/21/16/6329 (citado em 24/01/2003).

BILLIG M. (1987). Arguing and Thinking: a Rhetorical Approach to Social Psychology. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press.

BIRMAN J. (1993). “A Linguagem na Constituição da Psicanálise”. IN Ensaios de Teoria Psicanalítica - Vol I; Rio de Janeiro: Zahar.

BLACKING J. (1973). How Musical Is Man?. Seattle: University of Washington Press. Apud DeWitts (s.d.a); Moisala (1995); Vaneechoutte, Skoyles (1998); Béhague (1995); Hodges (2000); Cross (1999b).

BLACKING J. (1992). “The Biology of Music Making”. IN Myers H.(org.); Ethnomusicology: an introduction; Londres: MacMillan; pp 301-326. Apud Baily (1995); Arroyo (2001).

BLANCHARD M. (1999). “IQR421” . Documento online http://www.ini.unizh.ch/~jmb/iqr421.html (citado em 13/01/2003)

BLOCK N. (1993). “The computer model of mind”. IN Orsheron D.N., Smith E.E.(orgs.); Thinking: an invitation to cognitive science; Cambridge MASS: MIT Press; Also IN Goldman A.I.(org.); Readings in Philosophy and Cognitive Science; Cambridge MASS: MIT Press/Bradford Books.

BLOOD A.J., ZATORRE R.J., BERMUDEZ P., EVANS A.C. (1999). “Emotional responses to pleasant and unpleasant music correlate with activity in paralimbic brain regions”. Nature Neuroscience 02: 382-387 (online http://www.zlab.mcgill.ca/docs/Blood_et_al_1999.pdf ; citado em 24/01/2003).

BONAKDARPOUR B., EFTEKHARZADEH A., ASHAYER H. (2000). “Preliminary Report On The Effects Of Melodic Intonation Therapy In The Rehabilitation Of Persian Aphasic Patients”. Iranian Journal of Medicine Sciences 25(3/4):156-160.

BORCHGREVINSK H.M. (1983). “Prosody And Musical Rhythm Are Controled By The Speech Hemisphere“. IN Clynes M.(org.); Music, Mind and Brain: The Neuropsychology of Music; New York: Plenum; pp 151-159.

BORCHGREVINSK H.M. (1991). “Prosody, musical, rhythm, tone pitch and response initiation during amytal hemisphere anaesthesia”. IN Sundberg J., Carlson R., Nord L.(orgs.); Music, language, speech and brain - Symposium at the Wenner-Gren Center, Stockholm, 5-8 September 1990; Londres: MacMillan Publishers.

BORETZ. (1969). “Meta-variations: studies in the foundation of musical thought”. Perspectives of New Music 08-11. Apud Slawson (1991); Brown, Dempster (1989).

BOTEZ M.(ORG.). (1987). Neuropsyhologie et neurologie du comportement. Montréal: Presses de l’Université de Montréal.

BRADDOCK G. (s.d.). “Perception and Judgment in Dennett and Merleau-Ponty”. Londres: Anglophone and European Philosophy of Mind Papers; (online http://www.philosophy-forum.org/lectures/Dennett%20and%20Merleau-Ponty.html ; citado em 09/12/2002).

BRANDÃO H.N. (1996). Introdução à análise do discurso. Campinas: Educ.

BREGMAN A.S. (1990). Auditory scene analysis: the perceptual organisation of sound. Cambridge MASS: MIT Press. Apud Cross (1999b).

BROADBENT G. (1964). “Accuracy of recognition for speech presented to the right and left ears”. Quaterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 16:359. Apud Nepomuceno(1983); Gordon, Bellamy (1991).

BROCA P. (1861). “Remarques Sur le siège de la faculté du langae articulé, suivies d’ue observation d’aphémie”. Bulletin de la Societé d’Anatomie 6:330-357. Apud Françozo (1986); Morato (2000a); Morato (1995); Auroux (1994); Coudry (1988).

BROECKX J. (1975). Contemporary values on musical style and aesthetics. Antwerp: Metropolis. Apud Leman (1999b).

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BROWNE R. (1981). “Tonal implications of the diatonic set”. In Theory Only 5:3-21. Apud Cross (1999a).

CAMILLERI L., CARRERAS F., DURANTI C. (1990). “An expert system prototype for the study of musical segmentation”. Interface ; Journal Of New Music Research 19:147-154.

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CASTELLANO, M.A., BHARUCHA, J.J., KRUMHANSL, C.L. (1984). “Tonal hierarchies in the music of North India”. Journal of Experimental Psychology - General 113:394-412. Apud DeWitts (s.d.a); Baharucha, Todd (1990); Cross (1997); Cross (1998a); Moisala (1995); Huron (2002).

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